
Baymax big hero 6
Baymax big hero 6

  1. Baymax big hero 6 movie#
  2. Baymax big hero 6 generator#

You can learn more Big Hero 6 trivia when the film comes to Blu-ray February 24! (It’s already available on Digital HD. Now go forth and share this knowledge with the heroes in your life. Isn’t science cool? Maybe this is “not science” but it’s all true, and that’s good enough for us! We’re still holding out for that invisible sandwich though.

Baymax big hero 6 generator#

Baymax - Big Hero 6 Meme Generator The Fastest Meme Generator on the Planet. Make a Meme Make a GIF Make a Chart Make a Demotivational Flip Through Images. It’s also the headquarters of Lucasfilm! Definitely not a school. Make Baymax - Big Hero 6 memes or upload your own images to make custom memes. It’s a park and former military base with a college-like atmosphere. San Fransokyo Institute of Technology draws inspiration from the Presidio in San Francisco. It’s also why Lorelay Bove, a visual development artist, wanted Go Go’s supersuit to be yellow… like an egg. Sushi-eating and Japanese-speaking fans are already aware of this. Mochi eventually moved the entire way through the pipeline and became real! The dreams that you doodle really do come true. Her solution: drawing a cat in all of her storyboards. Kendelle worked as a story artist on Big Hero 6 and felt that Hiro and Tadashi’s family needed a pet. You can thank Kendelle Hoyer for Mochi’s existence. You know, those big globby shapes that remind some of us of bubble gum. Michael Kaschalk, head of FX animation, wanted to use fractal patterns (infinitely complex patterns that are self-similar across different scales) inside the portal. Animators really did their research! Note: these labs may or may not have had soccer balls in them. Like the ones at MIT, Art Center in Pasadena, Caltech, and JPL. The nerd lab (AKA robotics lab) was laid out like a real functioning robotics lab. Maybe a make-your-own invisible sandwich bar?Ĩ. We wonder what Fred would be doing during all this. Honey Lemon, Wasabi, and Go Go almost had their own booths at the science fair.Įach booth would’ve showcased tech that would later tie in to their superpower: a chemical barista station, disinfectant gloves, and a super-fast bike with magnetic wheels. You’re officially invited to our frame-by-frame-movie-watching party.ħ.

Baymax big hero 6 movie#

If you tried to look for surprises in every single sign in San Fransokyo while watching the movie in theatres but couldn’t quite keep up, it’s totally okay. Over 200 signs were designed for San Fransokyo. The “huggable” idea came from visual development artist Lisa Keene. Christopher Atkeson, a professor at the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, showed animators an inflatable vinyl arm being developed for health-care needs. Baymax’s huggable design was inspired by a real robot.ĭr. You can also spot this technique in One Hundred and One Dalmatians.ĥ. Everything is offset just a little bit to give the world a lived-in feel. Nothing stands perfectly straight in San Fransokyo. The Big Hero 6 universe is a little “wonky.” It’s also where you can find some cool Big Hero 6 Easter eggs.Ĥ. Fred’s room was designed to be a “nerd’s paradise.”ĭirector Don Hall even said, “We basically took the average cubicle here at Disney and multiplied it by a thousand.” Don Hall just called us nerds. Notice how he shuffles his feet and keeps his arms straight on his sides. Baymax’s motions are modeled after baby penguins. We can’t imagine getting only 1.3 issues a year. Marvel’s Big Hero 6 comic books were around for 10 years before Big Hero 6 hit theatres.ĭuring this time only 13 issues were released. Get ready to shake things up and use that big brain of yours to learn something new!ġ. Ash Ketchum (The Pokemon Adventures/World of Doki)You may not have graduated high school at 14 years old, but you’ll feel like a genius after reading this Big Hero 6 trivia.Flapjack (The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack).Cameron, Cody, Junior, Noah, Shawn, and Trent (Total Drama).Kurt Hummel (Glee) (Lost their (step-)brother to an unfortunate incident).Arizona/ArizonaYes DelawareNo ( State Man/ Miracle Canyon).Ferb Fletcher or Baljeet Tjinder (Phineas and Ferb).WARNING: You may add appropriate counterparts.

Baymax big hero 6